Merrie Monarch 2024

Aloha iā kākou, the next few months are going to be the roughest part of this journey to the Merrie Monarch. I hope everyone the best in this undertaking. Keep in mind that you may not make the line for one reason or another, just try your best and keep focused. To help with planning refer to this events schedule. Check it often, keep your ears open for updates and changes and stay flexible. Good luck!


Always refresh this page for latest updates.

Hālau curriculum classes will resume shortly, please check what days is your class. You may also be asked to attend Friday classes.


These weeks leading up Merrie Monarch are going to be hectic.

1. Keep yourself healthy 

2. Double check to see whatʻs happening

3. We now only have Saturdays / Sundays / Monday nights. Keep them open


Whatʻs changing in 2024

The coming of the new year signals open enrollment, a vital part of the hālau lifecycle. The new enrollments are refreshing and revitalizes the continuation of hula besides keeps the doors open. Weʻll have to adjust the MM practice schedule to accommodate classes. TBD...

Submitted MM Deadline 12/31/2023

Mahalo NTLu and NTKathy for the last minute reminder and saved us loosing 50 tickets.

MM 12/3`1/2023 Deadline
He inoa ahi no Kalākaua
Ia ʻoe e ka lā e ʻalohi nei
Moku o ka Rose
Hoku o ka pakipika

Justin Tasi Santos

Original kāne member of AHA, shares his ALOHA, insights, encouragement.


Upcoming things to do!

AHA Donation Letter pdf
Papa Hehi 11/29/2023
Phone Interveiw with Kumu Hula Etua Lopez, haumāna of unko George Naope
Papa Hehi 12/05/2023
Phone Interveiw with Kumu Hula Chinky Mahoe, haumāna of Darrel Lupenui

Vintage hula kāla'au 

This rare video clip of Akoni Mika shows him dancing a hula with kālaʻau. For an instant if shows his foot, but mainly shows from the torso up, so I only saw his foot movement for a moment, but his constand lower movements evidently shows he either was just tapping out the beat, or was doing a step indicative of a kelamoku step (sailor) to which is similar to treadling without the papa hehi.

Personally, his chanting is amazing. Nothing like whatʻs been presented at previous Merrie Monarch performances.

Also look closely and see it the kālaʻau being used is round or flat.


At the end of this short clip, shows the young aunty Pat Bacon dance with kālaʻau and papa hehi. 

This hula papa hehi is at 27:05.


 Tee-shirts are HERE! 

The manufacturer has alerted us that there is no guarantee that the QR design will be readable, but letʻs hope that it does, or come up with an alternative of sorts to allow onlookers to acquiring the QR. Hopefully available 12/14 - 12/15.

Merrie Monarch TEE-SHIRTS (adult sizes)

$25    S - XL

$35    2X - 5X

This unique QR design tee-shirt is only available for a limited time. The QR code accesses the 2024 Merrie Monarch team chronicles.

Get your order in early. While supplies last.
